What to Do About Hair Loss

man looking at roots of hair

Hair loss is a universal condition that is experienced all over the United States. The most common cause of hair loss is androgenic alopecia or male pattern baldness.  This accounts for 96% of hair loss in men and is usually genetic. Androgenic alopecia is also the most common cause in women, where it produces diffuse thinning.  Hormone disorders, such as thyroid disorders, pregnancy, autoimmune disease, nutritional deficits, such as iron deficiency and traction alopecia (pony tails and braids that are too tight) along with certain medications can all add to hair loss.

At MediJUV, we provide a hair rejuvenation treatment that uses platelet-rich plasma, or PRP, to allow your hair follicles to produce hair. PRP is mostly known for its ability to treat injuries sustained athletically. However, it also provides an aesthetic function through stimulating hair follicles to grow hair. PRP is also useful in helping with cosmetic treatments to help you boost your self-confidence, allowing you to enjoy life! 

Hair loss risk factors include too little iron and protein, weight loss or weight gain, smoking, certain medications, physical or emotional stress and over-styling. Current strategies for hair restoration include medications such as minoxidil and finasteride which can have unintended and unpleasant side effects. Other strategies include hair transplantation and regenerative medicine. At MediJUV, PRP, PRGF, or Axobiofluid-A are used for injection. These treatments are typically completed as a series of one-three and is paired with LightStim LED therapy to stimulate hair growth.

There are many studies showing that PRP for hair restoration works, and in turn can help boost self-esteem and give you confidence daily. It is also important to note that as the treatment relies on revitalizing existing hair follicles, PRP will not work for men who have total hair loss with no follicles to regenerate. However, MediJUV’s hair rejuvenation treatment is an excellent solution for men and women who are experiencing rapidly thinning hair. 

Book an appointment to learn more about how MediJUV can help rejuvenate your hair and help get you back to a confident, joyful life!